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Uri Brener

  /  Works 2013-2019   /  “The Phoenix” (2018) for flute and harp

“The Phoenix” (2018) for flute and harp

“The Phoenix” (2018) for flute and harp

Many times we see life as a fleeting thing, a meager moment between two abysses, as the famous saying of Rabbi Ibn Ezra goes “The past does not exist, the future is yet to come, and the present is like a blink of an eye”.

But a deeper look reveals that life and death are only two sides of the same coin and are not opposites. This is actually what the legend about the immortal bird called “Phoenix”, which originates in many cultures and also in the Jewish midrashic literature, teaches us. This is also the story of the eternal people who rise again and again from the dirt and dust and receive a new life and this is also the story of every person regardless of who they are with the fall and of resurrection of the human soul.

The work is based on a series of sounds, the kind of axis or nucleus that does not change and repeats itself every time in a new guise after it seemed that the music “died”. Each entry of that melody is more powerful than the one before. The final part is a kind of celebration of the melody`s victory and revival, it`s a joint dance of life and death.


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