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Uri Brener

  /  Works 2002-2012   /  “EXODOS” (2005) for clarinet, horn, violin and piano (OP.43)

“EXODOS” (2005) for clarinet, horn, violin and piano (OP.43)

November 20, 2014  – A world premiere at the Croatian Composers Society 
w Tomas Tulacek, violin, Hrvoje Pintarič, horn, , Ana Horvat, clarinet, Sanja Vrsalovič, piano

Publisher: IMC

Listen HERE

The piece is about liberation from the Tyranny of Time.

EXODOS (in ancient Greek drama) – is the final scene or departure, especially in a tragedy.
The piece features a slow and at times dramatic process of transformation from and dissolution of a very precise, almost mechanical type of rhythmic structure into a minimalist set of ever-repeated chords, almost free from any rhythmic process, resembling a funeral procession, with some almost aleatoric formations in piano hovering freely over it.
It concludes with just a simple phrase played by the clarinet, as if heard from afar, like an elusive remembrance, like a disappearing cloud.

Is this the pace of Death or just a Beginning of an Infinite Journey?..

The masks are taken off, everything returns back to its Eternal Source.
No more suffering and anxiety, no more time…


Score samples:


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