“Romanian Dances” by B.Bartok
Arrangement for a Jazz Trio and violin \ flute
Performances: “Tivoli” open stage, Copenhagen, Denmark 16/06/14; “Hateiva“, Jaffa, Israel 11/02/10 and 19/02/11 The Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies 11/11/1; The Haifa Chamber Music Society 24/05/11; Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance (“Mostly Bach” series 10/06/11); Ein Hod Fourth Festival for Music and Art 07/07/11; Open University, Raanana 21/11/11; Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Hall, “Etnakhta” series (live broadcast by the Kol Hamusika channel) 17/03/12 Alon Shvut Music Center,”Classics in the Gush” series 18/10/12 “Diuna” Hall, Ashdod, Israel 23/05/13 Eshkol Pais Hall, Beit Shemesh, Israel,”Chamber music in Beit Shemesh” series; 07.03.14 Beit Shapira, Petah-Tikva, Israel with Tabula Rasa Jazz Trio andNoam Buchman ; Antikenversammlungen Munich with Martina Silvester and theClazzic Ensemble, Munich, Germany
Listen to arrangement for a Jazz Trio and violin part 1
Listen to arrangement for a Jazz Trio and violin part 2
Listen to arrangement for a Jazz Trio and flute