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Uri Brener

  /  Works 2002-2012   /  “Perelandra Tale” (2006) for clarinet, violin and piano (OP.45)

“Perelandra Tale” (2006) for clarinet, violin and piano (OP.45)

22.08.06 /The Prime minister award receipt ceremony / Rekanati Hall, Tel- Aviv Art Museum, Israel;
Evgenia Epstein (violin), Semion Ositiansky, clarinet, Marina Eretzky, piano;
13.02 2007 JCC Manhattan , “A New Wave “ series, Ensemble “Continuum”, NY;
06.10.2013 Studio De Agostin, Geneve, Switzerland, Elisaveta Blumina (piano), Sergey Ostrovsky (violin),
Dmitry Rasul-Karaev (clarinet)

Publications: IMC

The trio Perelandra Tale for clarinet, violin and piano was written under impression from the science-fiction novel by C.S. Lewis “PERELANDRA”.
The main idea of the novel is a one of “loosing moral innocence”.
That is, by discovering a civilization on some distant planet in the state close to that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and by having an opportunity to “look at them from outside”, the main hero thus is confronted with the question about the absolute character of moral and ethical values.
The musical representation of this particular idea in this case is the implementation of the so called “simultaneity principle”, whereby the musical material, being homogeneous during the main part of a piece, “splits” into three parallel segments, or dimensions, if you will, each one of which is independent of the other two, thus creating a similar situation to that of the novel hero, relating to the rest of the musical texture “from outside”.
It should be pointed out that the theatrical gesture of this particular idea is being strengthened visually by the fact that, while sitting as a normal trio during the main part of the piece, at the moment of “separation” the violin and the clarinet performers actually turn their backs to each other as well as to the pianist, thus creating visually three “platforms” for the drama occurrence.

Score samples:


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