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Uri Brener

  /  Works 1991-2001   /  “When stones dream” (1998) for oboe, horn, v-cello and piano
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“When stones dream” (1998) for oboe, horn, v-cello and piano

14.06.2000 Felicia Blumenthal Musical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Prize “Klon” receipt ceremony);
Gabi Buckovsky (oboe),  Michal Mosek (horn), Oleg Stolpner (cello),  Uri Brener (piano)

Publications: IMC (Manuscript)
Listen HERE

The piece was written as a reflection to the Midrashic commentary on the verses of Genesis 28:11, where it is stated that Jacob had took stones of the place to become a pillow for seeing perhaps one of the most illustrious dreams ever dreamed by a man – the vision of the Heavenly Ladder. According to Midrash, those stones then became one, and are associated with the so called Foundation Stone, which holds back the waters of the abyss. This magnificent imagery, full of poetic power and overwhelming mystical insight, became the inspiration point for writing the piece; however no depictions or direct illustrations are to be found therein, it is rather about the general sense of the mystery and owe behind everything we see in this world, even in such simple and inanimate objects as stones.

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